
Technology Platform
  • Precision Delivery Technology Platform
    Beihai Biotech has developed the Precision Delivery Technology Platform. This platform, breaking away from traditional encapsulation methods, employs a novel approach focusing on solid tumors, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV), pain management, and other significant therapeutic areas. We has pioneered the development of a series of innovative drugs with complete intellectual property rights.

    Benefiting from this platform, Beihai Biotech has already established a portfolio of over 10 products with significant clinical and market value. The product pipeline consists exclusively of proprietary varieties, demonstrating substantial differentiation from traditional products. With nine clinical trial licenses (IND) obtained in China and the United States, several new drug projects have entered critical clinical trial phases and NDA application stages.
  • PDC Technology Platform
    The Peptide-Drug Conjugate (PDC) technology platform enhances the penetration and selectivity of anticancer drugs through targeted therapeutic methods. In the traditional PDC development process, issues such as short half-life, low delivery efficiency, and narrow drug windows are prevalent. Beihai Biotech has developed a cutting-edge platform of Peptide-Drug Conjugate (PDC), providing a rapid and efficient solution to challenges encountered in PDC development, including stability, sensitivity, recovery rate, and non-specific adsorption. This platform is poised to lead the exploration of new areas with significant clinical value and market potential.

    Leveraging a unique PDC design approach, Beihai Biotech has successfully developed multiple drug candidates. The first product has demonstrated excellent potential in preclinical trials and has entered the clinical application phase.
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